Welcome to BALM!

Eczema Feet

Eczema breakout that had gotten out of control. Washing with the "Turmeric Soap" daily while using the "Organic Body Scrub" healed, soothe & removed the dead skin. After washing, using the "Organic Body Butter" restored the skin while moisturizing.

Eczema Breakout

This breakout had spread to his face. Constantly applying the "Organic Body Butter" daily it healed & restored his skin. A little goes a long way & consistency is key !

Ingrown Bump & Thinning

There is an ingrown bump off to the left & a lot of thinning. If you have a habit of puling your beard to fluff it out that doesn't work. Wash your beard & apply the "HGO" to the full beard. After you apply the oil, comb your beard thoroughly. You want every strand of hair moisturized evenly. Make sure you do this routine daily ¬e that a little goes along way !



Girl! May God bless those hands of yours! My scalp was hurting & so itchy. I used the shampoo today and my scalp began to INSTANTLY BREATHE!


Hey, so I used the serum last night and woke with less dryness already...I always wake up with dryness.


Your product is already working. I put it on him after you left, he took a nap & when he woke up, I could barely feel his dry patches. I should have been coming to you lol, Thank You!